Privacy Policy

DINET S.A. (or simply "DINET"), with RUC number 20427919111, domiciled at Jr. Doménico Morelli 110, Interior 601, Piso 6, Centro Comercial La Rambla, San Borja, makes available to web Users, job applicants, suppliers (natural persons), customers (natural persons) and workers, its Privacy Policy, hereinafter, THE POLICY, in accordance with Law 29733, Law on Protection of Personal Data, modified by Legislative Decree No. 1353, its Regulations, approved by Supreme Decree 003-2013-JUS, modified by Supreme Decree No. 019-2017-JUS, and its amplifying and related regulations.

The following are the types of personal data we collect, the purposes and those in charge of their treatment, the time they will be stored in our personal data banks, the security measures implemented and the procedure provided for web Users to exercise their rights as holders of their personal data.

1. What personal data do we collect?

DINET, through our website, collects from web Users their names, surnames, National Identity Document numbers, Immigration Card or other equivalent, mobile phone number, home address, email address, username and password of the DINET website. In the case of workers and job applicants, sensitive data (related to the health of workers and job applicants) may also be collected. This information will be stored in our personal data bank called "Web Users" for a maximum period of five (05) years.

2. How do we protect your personal data?

DINET has adopted the necessary technical, legal and organizational measures, established in the Personal Data Protection regulations applicable in the Republic of Peru, to guarantee the security and proper processing of the personal data of Web Users, as well as to avoid any improper manipulation, accidental loss, destruction or unauthorized access by third parties. DINET informs you that the information of Web Users will not be commercialized, transferred or shared without their authorization and, even less, for purposes other than those described below. However, at present, no system is completely secure or free of attacks of any kind, not being possible to totally prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft or theft of personal data or confidential information provided.

3. For what purposes do we use your personal data?

The personal data that Web Users provide us through the web platform will be used for the following purposes, as appropriate:

In case the Web Users are clients (natural persons):

Provide services and offer products to its customers.

Achieve efficient permanent communication with customers

Process and ship orders to customers.

Comply with obligations contracted by DINET with its customers when purchasing our products.

Manage the shipment of orders placed.

Have a record or history of our customers.

Send information related to the products and/or services that DINET sells, as well as carry out surveys, statistical analysis and analysis of market trends regarding its products and/or services.

Carry out internal or external audit processes typical of DINET's commercial activity.

Manage goods and services provided by third parties for the proper development of DINET's commercial activity.

Respond to queries, requests, complaints and claims that are made by customers before regulatory bodies and competent authorities that, under applicable law, must receive personal data.

Transfer the information collected to different areas of DINET and/or its related companies, when this is necessary for the fulfillment of the contractual obligations agreed or for the development of its operations.

Use the different services corresponding to the DINET website.

Evaluate, control and meet the needs of DINET's commercial relationship with its customers.

In case the Web Users are suppliers (natural persons):

Achieve efficient permanent communication with its suppliers.

Transfer the information collected to different areas of DINET and/or its related companies, when necessary for the fulfillment of the contractual obligations agreed or for the development of its operations

Evaluate, control and meet the needs of DINET's commercial relationship with its suppliers.

In case the Web Users are applicants for jobs:

Collect and manage applicant information for recruitment and selection purposes.

In case the Web Users are workers:

Create and analyze statistical data, being able to share your result with third parties.

Evaluate, control and meet the needs of DINET's commercial relationship with supplier customers and any interested third party.

Know the symptoms of workers and control the spread of COVID-19 in DINET.

Transfer this information to public bodies and competent authorities that, under applicable law, must receive workers' personal data.

Transfer this information to the different areas of DINET, when necessary for the fulfillment of the contractual obligations agreed or for the development of its operations.

Any other activity of a similar nature to those described above in order to develop the purpose of the contractual employment relationship established with DINET.

4. Who can access your personal data?

To comply with the purposes indicated above, DINET may transfer and commission the processing of personal data of web Users to third parties, which may be located inside or outside the national territory. In these cases, DINET will guarantee that the processing of such personal data is limited to the aforementioned purposes, is kept confidential and the appropriate security measures prescribed in the applicable Personal Data Protection regulations of the Republic of Peru are implemented.

The third party recipients or processors who may process personal data are the following:

Transfer of personal data at national level:

Aeropuertos del Perú S.A.

Inmobiliaria Koricancha S.A.

Talma Servicios Aeroportuarios S.A.

Sandoval S.A.C.

Transfer of personal data internationally:

Talma Servicios Aeroportuarios S.A. (Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador)

GoDaddy, United States of America

ITBID (Spain)

AIRA Virtual Peru SAC (Chile and United States of America)

The server hosting the DINET website is located at 14455 N. Hayden Rd., Suite 219, Scottsdale, Arizona 85260, USA.

This information will be constantly updated in this Privacy Policy, so that it is available when you need to learn about these third parties.

5. How can you exercise the rights that the Law grants you over your personal data?

As the owner of their personal data, Web Users have the right to access their personal data held by DINET; know the characteristics of their treatment, rectify them if they are inaccurate or incomplete; request to be deleted or canceled as they are considered unnecessary for the purposes previously set out or oppose their treatment for specific purposes.

Web Users may, at any time, revoke the consent expressly granted, as well as limit the use or disclosure of their personal data.

In this sense, DINET recognizes and guarantees the exercise of the right of information and the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition ("ARCO" rights) that web Users, as holders of their personal data, assist them. To do this, they must direct their request to the email: [email protected].

The request must contain, at least, the following information: (i) names and surnames of the owner of the personal data; (ii) type and number of the corresponding identity document (iii) if acting through a legal representative, he must indicate the aforementioned data that correspond to his person, attaching the title or document that accredits the legal representation in favor of the owner of the personal data; (iv) specific request, clear and precise description of the personal data(s) linked to the exercise of information and/or ARCO rights and the express manifestation of the right that it intends to exercise; (v) documents that support the request and/or facilitate the location of personal data(s); (vi) address or email address where DINET will make the corresponding communications and responses; and, (vii) date and signature. The request must indicate whether the corresponding communications and responses will be sent to the address indicated or to the email address indicated by the owner of the personal data or his legal representative.

The owner of the personal data must prove his identity by presenting a copy of his national identity document or equivalent document. If the exercise of the right to information and/or ARCO rights is carried out by a legal representative, the latter must attach a copy of his national identity document or document or equivalent, and of the title or document proving his representation.

The response period for the request on the right to information is eight (8) business days and for requests on rights of rectification, cancellation and opposition is ten (10) business days. For its part, the request on the right of access has a response period of twenty (20) business days. These periods may be extended only once and for an equal period, provided that circumstances so warrant. DINET undertakes to communicate this decision to extend the deadline, justifying it to the email address indicated by the owner of the personal data. This extension and its justification must be communicated to the owner of the personal data or his legal representative within the period to be extended.

The cancellation of personal data will not proceed when they must be kept by DINET for historical, statistical or scientific reasons, in accordance with the applicable regulations, due to contractual relations with the owner of the personal data, which justify their treatment, or by mandate of the competent authority.

If the right to information and / or ARCO rights are not addressed within the established period or are denied, you may appeal to the National Authority for the Protection of Personal Data of the Republic of Peru in way of claim, by contacting the table of parties of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights located at Calle Scipión Llona Nº 350, Miraflores, Lima, or if applicable, to the competent Jurisdictional Body of the Judicial Power for the purposes corresponding to the habeas data action.

The terms and conditions governing the DINET website and all relationships that may arise from it are safeguarded by Peruvian law. Any dispute that may arise from the access or use of this website is subject to the competence of the Peruvian administrative authorities as appropriate, and to the jurisdiction of the judges and courts of the Judicial District of Lima – Cercado (Republic of Peru).

6. Can this Privacy Policy be modified or updated?

Due to the continuous improvement of our processes, DINET may modify and / or update this Privacy Policy, either to adapt it to future regulatory changes, implement best practices.

Provide a better quality of service or communicate new alternatives related to this document. Any changes to this Privacy Policy will become effective when updated or modified is posted on this website. Your use of this website following these changes constitutes acceptance of this updated or modified Privacy Policy that becomes effective. Please check these terms regularly for changes that may have occurred and how they may affect you.

Any questions arising from THE POLICY may be directed to the email: [email protected].